Tomorrow I am conducting a wedding.  Each time I conduct one, I am reminded of how human marriage is a picture of the marriage between Jesus & His bride, the church.  As Paul states in Ephesians 5:32, this is a "profound mystery".  It's strange, especially as a man, to think of Jesus as my husband.  And it's strange as well to think of Jesus as husband to the entire church worldwide.  But in reality, it is really about relationship.  Jesus wants to be the most intimate relationship that we have, even more so than that of our spouses, significant others, friends, siblings, or parents.  He wants to be first in our lives, becoming that all-consuming passion that so often defines our earthly relationships.  Today, I challenge you to give Jesus your passion and your love, more than you give anyone else.  I challenge you to make Him your first love, and watch in amazement how your life changes.



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